Testing a Mailchimp Campaign (Before Deploying It)

Testing a Mailchimp Campaign (Before Deploying It)


This is the second of three articles regarding preparing an email campaign (Create, Test, Deploy). Make sure you read the Create article first.

Why Test?

It's very important to send a test to yourself and a coworker to ensure that your new Mailchimp campaign looks perfect. Another set of eyes is always beneficial.
Once you are done revising and tweaking your new campaign, always ensure you do "one more test" of the tweaks to ensure that nothing unexpected happened. You don't want the embarrassment of an error in your business communications. "Testing is your friend!"
Once you have a perfect test, then it's time for deployment.

How To Test

  1. Login to your Mailchimp account
  2. Select “Campaigns” in the top navigation bar, and then click on “All campaigns”
  3. From the list of Campaigns, click on the name of the campaign you are working on (or click on the Edit button beside the name) to proceed to the Campaign Editor
  4. Edit the email DESIGN in the Campaign Editor
  5. Under the email DESIGN thumbnail preview, you will see a link titled "Send a Test Email". Click it.
  6. This will open a pop-up window with various options for this test email
  7. Fill out the "Send a test to" field with comma separated addresses of the recipients for this test (e.g. "bob@company.com,mary@company.com")
  8. Check off any other email addresses you want to include in this test under the section "Also send to the following account users" checkboxes
  9. The other fields are optional and self explanatory (email comments and personalized message)
  10. Hit [Send Test] to send out a test to the specified test recipients

Please note there might be a limit on the number of email tests you can send for a given campaign during a specified number of days. These limitations are based on Mailchimp account tiers.

Note that test emails will arrive in your inbox with the Subject prefix of "[TEST] " before your specified Subject.

What's Next

Once you have a perfect test, then it's time to Deploy (or Schedule) your campaign.