Order Print & Packing Slip Options (many)

Order Print & Packing Slip Options (many)

Login to your catalog Admin area, list your orders, and click an order number to view it's information.

When viewing an order's information, there is an "Invoices / Shipping" section near the top which contains some buttons and links.

The "Print Invoice" and "Print Packing Slip" links will both generate a printable page of the order's details. The Invoice version will include pricing, the Packing Slip version is without pricing.

If you just want a separate page to print that only contains the customer's address, use the "Address" option with the [CREATE SHIPPING LABEL] button.

If you want to generate a FedEx shipping label and a unique FedEx tracking code for this order (do this when you are ready to ship as it will use "today" as the ship date):

  • Select "FedEx" and the [CREATE SHIPPING LABEL] button
  • Review or update the "Package Info" form
  • Near the bottom of the form:
  1. Click "Get Label" (NOTE: This will automatically connect to the FedEx system and generate a unique FedEx tracking code for this order)
  2. Near the top of the form, click the new link "View / Print Label"
  3. Print the resulting page and then click "Back" (or click "Cancel Shipment" to void the assigned tracking code and return)
  • Click "Back to Order"

A similar shipping label function is available for DHL shipping.

Remember to update the order's Status whenever something changes with the order.