Notifying Customer or Re-Sending Order Email
When viewing an order's information, there is a section near the top called "Invoices / Shipping".
To re-send the original order confirmation email message to the customer, in the "Select Email" dropdown box, select "Invoice (to Customer)" and click the [RESEND EMAIL] button.
To re-send the original order confirmation email message to the merchant (you), in the "Select Email" dropdown box, select "Invoice (to Merchant)" and click the [RESEND EMAIL] button.
You can use this dropdown box to send an email to the customer when
the order has been partially or fully shipped (i.e. when it leaves your
premises) using either "Partially Shipped" or "Shipped" (fully shipped) options and the [RESEND EMAIL] button.
The first time you use any of these features, you might want to generate a small test order to use it to test these
email sending options, so you can see what they generate before using them to send information to an actual customer.