Product Search Keywords (Improve Findability)

Product Search Keywords (Improve Findability)

When users enter words into the search box on a Volusion catalog, the system searches all product titles and SKUs for a match.

If there are words that users commonly use for certain products but those words don't appear in the product title, then add those words into a special product field called "Additional Product Keyword(s)".

Additional Product Keywords are not displayed in your catalog, they are only used for search matching.

  1. Login to your Volusion Admin area.
  2. Click INVENTORY / Products
  3. Click the grey [Search] button
  4. Enter part of the product name into the Name field, or enter the SKU into the Code field, and click the blue [SEARCH] button (in top-right corner)
  5. In the resulting listing, click the SKU to be edited
  6. Scroll down to the "Advanced Info" area and click its title to expand it (if not already expanded)
  7. Click "Search Engine Optimization" in left-margin
  8. Scroll down to the "Additional Product Keyword(s)" field
  9. Add any additional search keywords into this field, separating each keyword or phrase with a comma (don't remove any existing keywords)
  10. Click the blue [SAVE] button (in top-right corner)