Weekly Account Summary from Mailchimp

Weekly Account Summary from Mailchimp

What It Does

There is an automatic weekly account summary report from Mailchimp that can be enabled or disabled. This report tells you about any subscriptions to, and/or unsubscribes from, your mailing lists in the past week. No report is generated if there is no activity.

The weekly account summary report is enabled or disabled at the overall account level. It cannot be specified at the audience level.

To Enable or Disable

To enable or disable the "Weekly Account Summary":
  1. Login to your Mailchimp account
  2. Go to Account / Settings / Details
  3. Scroll to the "Email from Mailchimp" heading
  4. For the "Weekly account summary": check/enable it to receive the report OR uncheck/disable it to NOT receive the report
  5. Click the [Save] button below this section
There is also a daily status report (per audience) that can be enabled or disabled.