Difference Between Builder.io and Elastic Path

Difference Between Builder.io and Elastic Path

Orgill's Impact eCommerce solution is made up of multiple integrated services. The two most common are Builder.io and Elastic Path (EP).

What's the difference?


The Builder.io admin area provides the following capabilities:
  1. Update the text on any of your regular web pages
  2. Update the images on any of your regular web pages
  3. Update your store hours or contact information
  4. Update which products are displayed in your Product Carousels
  5. Add a new web page and its contents
Depending upon your skill and experience updating websites, you might want to do these updates yourself. If so, Emerge2's growing library of DIY Help Articles for Impact eCommerce websites is available.

Emerge2 is here to help. Contact us to discuss any contemplated changes or enhancements and we'd be glad to help. If you would like us to assist you or to make any changes on your behalf, we will gladly provide you with an estimate so you can make an informed decision on how you'd like to proceed.

Elastic Path (EP)

Transactional Websites

The EP admin area provides the following capabilities:
  1. Review and process orders
  2. Review customer details
  3. Update product details
  4. Set sale or discount product pricing
  5. and related ecommerce functions

Non-Transactional Websites

The EP admin area provides the following capabilities for non-transactional websites:
  1. Review Shopping Lists from customers
Emerge2 is here to help. Let us know if you have any questions.

Related Articles

  1. Log In and Out of Your Website (Impact eCom)
  2. Who to Contact for Assistance (Impact eCom)