Create an User for Emerge2 (Impact eCom)

Create an User for Emerge2 (Impact eCom)


Orgill's Transactional Impact eCommerce websites require an account to facilitate the processing of payments for online orders.

This article assumes you have an account setup already, and will guide you through the process of creating a login for Emerge2's team to access your account to complete the steps necessary for the payment integration.


  1. Login to your Merchant account here:
  2. Go to ACCOUNT -> User Administration
  3. Click the "+Add User" link.
  4. Select the "Account Administrator" User Role from the drop down.
  5. Leave all user permissions options checked, and click the [Next >] button at the bottom.
  6. Fill in the following for the User Information:
    1. Login ID: {emerge2yourbusinessname} (e.g. if your business name is Acme Lumber, the user name should be "emerge2acmelumber" or "emerge2acme", all lowercase)
    2. First Name: Tech
    3. Last Name: Emerge2
    4. Title: Support
    5. Phone: 519-886-0100 Extension: 2
    6. Email Address:
  7. For Email Settings, enable the following:
    1. [x] Administrative Announcements
    2. [x] Technical Notices
    3. Leave the other options disabled (unchecked)
  8. Click the [Submit] button at the bottom
  9. You will be asked to verify your info, Click the [REQUEST PIN] button
    1. check your email for the PIN that was sent.
    2. copy the emailed PIN into the form and click the button.

  10. If the PIN is accepted, you will see the following:

  11. Click the [CONTINUE] button, and you will see the following:
  12. Click the [Continue] button and you're all set
  13. Let Emerge2 know that you have completed the User account setup and we will continue with the integration process.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

We're here to help.

Emerge2 Digital