Increase Storage Limit in Google Workspace (G-Suite)

Increase Storage Limit in Google Workspace (G-Suite)

This article will assist you with increasing the storage limit of your Google Workspace Account (previously known as G-Suite or Google Apps) for a single user within your organization.


Within your overall Google Workspace account, we first need to enable a few features which will then let you change storage limits for one or more users.

There are three features that need to be enabled, as follows:
  1. As a super administrator, log into your Google Workspace account.
  2. Enable all of these additional services within your account:
    1. Individual storage
    2. Google Play
    3. Google Pay
  3. Details regarding enabling these features can be found here.

Here is an Example

Search Storage, Select Individual storage
Click ON for everyone and click SAVE

Verify Feature Status

If under "Plans" it says, "Storage is managed by your admin" (see below "Example of Prerequisites Not Set" screen shot) then you have not completed all of the above prerequisites.

If under "Plans" it provides options to upgrade (see below "Good Example" screen shot), then continue with the next steps.

Example of Prerequisites Not Set

Good Example

Increase Storage Limit for a User

  1. If you are logged into the super-admin or other gmail account, then log out of that account before continuing.
  2. Go to
  3. The system should prompt you to log in. Log in as the user you wish to increase the storage limit for.
  4. Review the available upgrade options. There are buttons and links for monthly or yearly payment options.
  5. Click the desired upgrade button or link and follow the prompts.
Note: It can take up to 24 hours for purchased storage to be added to a user account.
