Finding Products Without Photos or Thumbnails (GC)

Finding Products Without Photos or Thumbnails (GC)

The Galileo Commerce (GC) system has a number of built-in reports. To find missing pictures or thumbnails, use the "Data Integrity Reports" utility.

The Data Integrity Reports utility can be found as follows:
  1. Login to your GC Admin area
  2. Click the "reports" navigation icon or the "Reports & Statistics" menu option
  3. On the Reports menu, click "Data Integrity Reports"
The Data Integrity Reports utility can help you find 6 different issues throughout your product data. Four of these searches are:
  1. Find Products with no picture filename specified
  2. Find Products with a picture filename specified but filename not found in photos folder
  3. Find Products with no thumbnail filename specified
  4. Find Products with a thumbnail filename specified but filename not found in thumbnails folder
Select one of the searches and click [Run Report] to see the products which have missing picture or thumbnail information or files.

It's a good idea to re-run these reports after you have imported or updated products in your GC system.