Finding "Failed Searches" and Fixing Them (GC)
The Galileo Commerce (GC) system tracks searches done by users. This enables the merchant to see what words and phrases users are using to search for products, and also to see which searches are resulting in nothing found.
The GC Admin system has a set of report utilities in the "Reports" section. One of these utilities is the "Search Results Report".
Failed Searches
Within the "Search Results Report" utility, you can search for successful or failed searches (or both) between a given date range. You can also split "search phrases" into individual words for the reports, or leave the phrases intact. You can affect or remove word endings (e.g. singular versus plural endings, "ed" and "ing" endings, etc.) to determine the most frequent root words that are not being found.
We'd suggest you log into the
GC Admin area of your website and experiment with this report utility. It can generate a lot of useful data.
Best Practice
From a best practice perspective, it would helpful to generate a report of the "Top N" failed searches each month, and then to update your product data so that the appropriate or similar products for those failed words will start to be shown to users for subsequent searches.