One way to restrict who can view your Bongo4U website, is to set a Site Password on your website.
How It Works
Once you set a Site Password, people will be prompted to enter the Site Password when they first arrive at your website, regardless of which initial page they are attempting to view. Once they enter the expected Site Password, they will be shown their requested destination page.
People will not be re-prompted for a password for the remainder of their current session. However, once their session expires (after they have been idle for a while), then subsequent visits will request the Site Password again.
Password Requirements
The Site Password must be between 12 and 30 characters long, including letters, numbers and special characters, but no spaces.
It must not include the site name or domain name, not be solely one dictionary word, or found on a list of commonly used bad passwords such as "password1234" or "1234567890!!".
Note: Accented characters are not supported within the Site Password, e.g. é, è, â, î, ô, ñ, ü, ï, etc.
How to Set a Site Password
Log into your Bongo4U Admin area and go to "My Site... / Site Properties".
On the Site Properties form, scroll down and click "Show Advanced Options". Enter your desired Site Password into the "Site Password:" input field and click [Save Changes]
It is a good idea to communicate the new Site Password to your users prior to setting or changing your Site Password.

If you are unable to access the "Site Properties" area, then email and ask that your Site Password be changed to be _________________, also include the domain name of your website in your request.