How do Products get Added and Displayed on my Bongo4U Website (Overview)

How do Products get Added and Displayed on my Bongo4U Website (Overview)

Products get added to your website and updated using the "Products..." option on the Bongo4U Admin menu. This records the product data within your website.

Products get displayed on your website using one or both of the following blocks: "Product Catalog" or "Promotional Products". You must add one (or both can be used) of these blocks to at least one page of your website.

Wherever you add the "Product Catalog" block on a page, a list of all Categories will be displayed and when one of those Categories is clicked, all of the products in that category will be displayed.

Wherever you add the "Promotional Products" block on a page, only the products which are "on promotion" that day will be displayed. You can set the optional promotion Start and End dates on any combination of products (see addition help entries for details).

Some sites put the "Promotional Products" block on their home page and the "Product Catalog" block on its own separate page. You must add at least one of these blocks to your website, otherwise the products that you load into your site will never be displayed on your site.

Some websites use Bongo4U's built-in products subsystem for a Rentals page. They load each rental option as a "product" within this subsystem. Other websites use this subsystem to display other groups of available equipment or items.
Next Steps:
  1. Read the "How do I Enable my Site for Products" article
  2. Read the "Add a Product" article