If you require a specific logo which is not found under the Bongo4U Logo Library, we can look into adding it to the Bongo4U Logo Library.
Login to Admin Mode and go to the page on which you want to make changes. Click on that page's link in the navigation.
Once you are on the correct page, locate the block that contains the content you want to delete. Hover your mouse over the "Block" link for that block and the Block Menu will appear.
Click the "Edit" link on the Logo Group Block Menu. You will then see your Logo Group block and it's content. You should see the Alphabetical navigation and a link called "Logo not found?" within the navigation. Click on this link and follow the instructions.
Likewise, you can also directly email us at support@bongo4u.com listing the name of the company or brand which you would like to add. Include their website address if you know it. We will look-up their logo (if it is publicly available online) and consider adding it to the Bongo4U Logo Library.