Add a Google Calendar to a Bongo4U page

Add a Google Calendar to a Bongo4U page

Before you can add a Google Calendar to your Bongo4U site, you must have an existing Google Account.
You can sign up for a Google Calendar here:
Once you have done that, you can then display the calendar on your Bongo4U site using the following instructions:

  • In the Google Account click "Settings" from the top right of the window.
  • Under "Calendar Settings" select the "Calendars" Tab.
  • Now click the Name of your Calendar. You will be brought to the "{your_calendar_name} Details" page.
  • Find the section that says "Embed This Calendar", copy the code displayed there or click the link to customize the size, etc.
      NOTE: The default code should look something like this, and will be displayed for you to copy
  • Open Bongo4U to the page that you want to add the calendar to.
  • Select "Add to this Page..." -> "Raw HTML"
  • Paste the contents you have copied in Step 4, and Save Changes.
Now, you should see the calendar displayed, and you can add updates through the Google Calendar only.
Updates cannot be made to the calendar through Bongo4U directly.

If you have any questions, please let us know.