Manual Product Data Reload using BCM

Manual Product Data Reload using BCM

When to Use This Procedure

Orgill-provided products are automatically reloaded/refreshed in each Boost catalog on a weekly basis, therefore there is usually no need to manually reload your product data.

In very unusual circumstances, if a manual product data reload is required, please follow these instructions to trigger the manual reload.

Please note that these instructions must be followed exactly. It is very easy to cause significant problems with your online catalog using this utility.

The product data reloads are done using the Boost Content Manager (BCM) utility. This reloads all of the Orgill-provided product data. It does not reload any additional or custom products you have imported into your online catalog.


  1. First, login to BCM.
  2. Determine when your next automatic reload is scheduled to run as follows:
    1. Hover over "PRODUCT MANAGER" and click "Scheduled Jobs"
    2. Look at the date and time under heading "NEXT RUN TIME"
    3. If this is within 24 hours or if it started within the past 3 hours, then do NOT do this manual reload (the two jobs may collide and break your product data)
  3. If the next automatic reload is more than 24 hours in the future, then continue with these steps
  4. Hover over "PRODUCT MANAGER" and click "Export to Volusion"
  5. Click [Next]
  6. Click (*) Full Catalog
  7. Click (*) Update/Insert  (it's very important to NOT leave it at the default of "Delete all/Insert")
  8. For the next section, ensure that the following checkboxes are disabled/empty:
    1. [ ] minqty
    2. [ ] customfield1
    3. [ ] productnameshort
    4. [ ] Price Level REG
    5. [ ] Price Level VP1
    6. [ ] Price Level VP2
  9. For checkbox "Add Y item shelf pack onto item descriptions" leave it as-is (on or off, different catalogs need it different ways)

  10. Click [Next]
  11. Click (*) Schedule Export
  12. The date and time displayed is in Central Time and defaults to midnight tonight.
  13. Schedule a date and time which is at least two hours in the future in Central Time (not your local time) and is outside of Orgill's regular business hours. Note that the date is defaulted to tomorrow, so you may want to change that to today if you want it to run this evening, and select a time which is at least 2 hours in the future in Central Time and is between 6pm and 4am (it could run for multiple hours).
  14. Leave [ ] Recurring disabled/empty.
  15. Click [Next]
  16. Click [Finish] to schedule this reload to take place at your selected date and time (ignore the legacy content on this page).
The manual product data reload should begin at your scheduled date and time (in Central time zone). If the system is slow or if a lot of jobs are in the queue ahead of your request, then it might take a few hours before it begins. Once it starts, it usually runs for 1-3 hours to reload all of your Orgill-provided product data.

After BCM Reload

Once your manual BCM product data reload is complete, you should log into your Volusion Admin area and rebuild your search index:
  1. Volusion Login
  2. SETTINGS / Maintenance
  3. Search Index: [REBUILD]
  4. it runs for up to 15 minutes in your web browser, just wait for it to finish running without leaving this tab in your browser.