A "CAPTCHA Challenge Box" displays a random word or random characters as an image. It is difficult for bots to read -- this is on purpose. The user is required to enter the word or random characters to prove that they are a user (human) at the website and not
a computer program, bot or other automated procedure trying to "game"
the website or to send spam through your online form.
Login to Admin Mode and go to the page that contains the Email Form that you want to add the CAPTCHA Challenge Box to.
Once you are on the correct page, click the "Block: EmailForm" link located above the Email Form block.
You will be shown the various settings for this Email Form block.
Scroll down to the "Add a CAPTCHA box" question and click the "Yes"
Scroll to the bottom of the Email Form fields and press the [Save Changes] button.
Test The Form: Ensure that the CAPTCHA Challenge Box is being generated as expected.